CINELATION | Movie Reviews by Christopher Beaubien
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New 27th Annual Vancouver International Film Festival 2008 Openers

Written by Christopher Beaubien • October 09, 2008 • Start the Discussion!

Vancouver International Film Festival | “Foreign Film”

It is one of my missions in life to get people like this to watch “strange films”.

Vancouver International Film Festival | “Over-Analyzer”

Actually, the colour magenta carries the most saporous and truculent of feelings.

Vancouver International Film Festival | “First Question”

Announcer: “While some schmuck channels so much brain juice to come up with the holy of holies of questions — some other guy asks a variation of that question as easily as a bird flying into a windshield.”

Vancouver International Film Festival | “Seat Saver”

No, they never truly understand that sacrifice…

Vancouver International Film Festival | “Front Row”

Talk about a close-up.

Vancouver International Film Festival | “Rush Line”

Very anti-climatic!

Vancouver International Film Festival | “Die Hard”

Me in thirty years.

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